Listener: Since today is Saturday I did not expect to receive Daily Bread. On Thursday and Friday Holy Spirit spoke regarding other work which He has given me, and even though I thought a portion of one of those messages would be beneficial for you, He said: You are not to post this message in Daily Bread now; perhaps someday. Listener: However, I believe that this morning He has given me permission to share a few of those words. Holy Spirit 3/12/20: This is a new season. Mountain time for the present is for your hearing, Listener; Daily Bread will come later. Listener: I asked, later in the day or later in terms of at a later time? He asked: What do you wish? Listener: I wish to continue to post Daily Bread and to be able to reach those who read with the greater anointing that You are giving me. His answer was: And so it shall be. Listener: After that exchange on Thursday, I expected to receive Daily Bread yesterday, but I did not, perhaps because I was unable to come to Him with a quiet spirit. Then this morning, as I stood before the Lord’s Table Holy Spirit gave me, perhaps not nourishing Daily Bread but certainly the delight of a spiritual chocolate covered doughnut. I was speaking praise and thanksgiving, thanking Him for the Blessing of Caleb (Joshua 14:9-11) but thinking, as I always do when I give thanks for this blessing of long life and continued strength, that I could not truthfully say, as Caleb did, that I have always wholly followed the Lord my God. However, Holy Spirit reassured me of the Blessing of Caleb in the gentle Voice which I so love. And the GREATER BLESSING was being allowed to hear His Voice speak tender, personal words and to experience the Love expressed in those words. I pray that all of you who read this may be so blessed today. May the Joy of the Lord overwhelm you, and may He give you peace.