Holy Spirit: Listener, I have called you to intercessory prayer; now I call you to walk in that calling more diligently and to encourage those to whom you write to pray also, trusting Me to be with My people in this crisis and to bring them through it. For those whose ministry is negatively impacted by the crisis, remind them that their first and greater call is to hear and to respond to My Voice. This morning I gave you a dream in which a number of small groups of two or three Believers were standing in a large open field talking. As they talked, creatures in black cloaks with white markings ran among these small groups, disrupting their conversations and spreading fear. As you observed what was taking place, you heard a bugle sounding the call to Charge. This bugle did not represent the last trump signaling the rapture of the Church: it represented My call to My people to take up the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of fear and doubt which are cascading down upon them; to wield the Sword which I have provided by resting in faith in My Word and speaking the Rhema that I give them, and to pray always in the Spirit in supplication and thanksgiving. I know that the enemy’s attack, not only the virus but also the fear which accompanies its rapid and seemingly unstoppable spread, is a major challenge, but I give you strong words of encouragement. Remember, or better yet, read the sixth chapter of 2nd Kings. I will summarize it here but read the Scripture also. The prophet Elisha and his servant were in a city surrounded by a large enemy army. The servant was terrified, but Elisha told him (v. 16) They that be with us are more than they that be with them. Then Elisha prayed, asking God to open the servant’s eyes, and he saw the horses and chariots of fire of the Host of Heaven. These forces are still available, and they can be used if necessary. However, the bugle which you heard this morning did not call for the Heavenly Host, it sounded for those whom I indwell, who know, but sometimes seem to forget, that they are being attacked by a defeated foe. Recognize the fact that your enemy is not the virus but the evil forces facilitating the spread of that virus, and perhaps almost as deadly, fear of the virus and its impact on your lives. Challenge that enemy in the authority of the One Who defeated him at Calvary. Challenge him wearing the armor with which you have been provided and with the offensive weapons of the Word of God and believing, Spirit-led prayer. The enemy is attacking the corporate Body of Christ, where the greater power rests, but even if that corporate Body cannot gather as one, the members of the Body can individually pray in one accord. Keep your shield of faith in place, take up your spiritual weapons and Charge. This too shall pass.