Listener: As I stood praying before the Lord’s Table this morning Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that many of the circumstances of my life, the “demands” that I feel obligated to meet and even desire to meet may have become burdens instead of the blessings which they were intended to be. Now, as I begin to record this, I realize that this is something that we have heard many times before and question whether the Holy Spirit really intended it for Daily Bread. Holy Spirit answered my thought: Listener, it is certainly true that this is a well-known and often heard message, but you needed to hear it again this morning and some if not all of those who come for Daily Bread may also need to hear it again. In your case, you are allowing your desire for a Daily Bread post every day to make this a burden. This is also what you are doing in regard to the learning opportunities which I have provided for you. The process of turning a blessing into a burden involves worry that you may not be able to fulfill all aspects of that blessing, that you may not have the time or the ability to walk in the blessing. This worry robs you of the joy which the blessing was intended to bring. I do not load you down with burdens which you must labor to carry. I heap blessings on you which you come to view as burdens. You need ears to hear My Voice; you also need eyes to correctly view the blessings which I give you. You must remember that I will not give you an assignment which cannot be fulfilled if you will rely on My strength and not your strength. And you must also remember that worry is not a fruit of the Spirit!!