Listener: PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Early in the Fifth Watch this morning Holy Spirit began to speak Daily Bread again: Go to My Table, and bring the notebook. A new season of Daily Bread messages and revelations begins today. Previously I have spoken primarily to the remnant body of which you are a member. Now, although today’s Daily Bread is addressed to that body, I am ready to begin to open wide this Window into Heaven and to call other sheep who are also hungry for My Words. Listener: Later. during morning prayer, Holy Spirit began to speak about what occurred last Thursday night at the conclusion of the lengthy fast to which He had led me, when we expected to witness His manifestation of a miraculous healing. Holy Spirit: Listener, you and all of those to whom you speak must remember that My ways are not your ways. Do you not know that last Thursday as you and the others present prayed for My healing and restoration of the one who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, I actually gave the miracle of the healing of the Corporate Body…the greater miracle of the Love and Unity for which you have also prayed for years and which was so beautifully manifested as all present responded to My Presence and experienced My Love. I know that this was not the miraculous moving of My Spirit which you had anticipated, but understand that the unity and commitment of the Corporate Body has even more impact than the miraculous healing of one person. The timing of these miracles was also important. If the manifestation of Corporate Unity and Love had been a response to the miraculous healing and restoration of an individual, the manifestation of unity would have been less significant. On Thursday night the manifestation of my Presence in the Unity and Love of the Body stands in and of itself as not only a Miracle but also as the beginning of what is to come. I know that the healing of the one for whom you all prayed Thursday night lies heavily on your hearts, but stand firm in the faith which I have given you. I have already answered the prayers for healing and restoration which the unified remnant body lifted for a brother in Christ. The manifestation of that healing will come in due time, as well as the manifestations of other healings which I desire to bring in and through this Body. I Am Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rafa and Jehovah Shalom. I heal; I provide; I make you whole, and I bring to you the fullness of My Peace.