Holy Spirit: The Body of Christ is in danger of becoming weak and ineffectual. The members of My Body need to hear My Voice and to experience the surge of My Power through them, both individually and corporately. I strongly desire to fight the battle which all of you now face, but according to the Plan of God I must fight through those whom I indwell. Do not quench Me. Allow Me to empower you to meet this foe in battle and to defeat him in My strength. As for the corona virus, it is not the enemy, it is a weapon being used by the evil one who has been attempting to destroy man from the very beginning. The enemy is using this virus as a weapon to attack My creation…to paralyze some with fear and to blind others with the complacency which enhances the spread of the virus. Those Believers who hear My Voice and yield to neither fear nor complacency are My weapons. Your defensive action is to take reasonable precautions; do not assist the enemy by contributing to the spread of the virus. Your offensive weapons are the Sword of the Spirit and Prayer. The plan of the enemy is multi-faceted and overlaid with the cloak of fear; it is aimed at preventing the assembling of the Body of Christ for praise, worship, instruction, encouragement, and strengthening fellowship; at wreaking such havoc in the economy that even My people become anxious and fearful; at turning your thoughts inward so that you forget that your purpose is serving God and allowing Me to Love and care for others through you; at blinding Believers to the opportunities for witnessing to unbelievers during this crisis; at focusing your attention on yourself and yours to the extent that you become selfish and self-centered. The enemy is evil totally beyond your ability is comprehend, but he is also clever. Do not be deceived by his attack or his lies. Come to Me and I will arm you to fight in prayer, in obedience and in trust…and the enemy will be defeated. Listener: At this point, I thought that I had recorded all of the portions of today’s revelation which Holy Spirit had instructed me to give to you. He told me on the Mountain this morning that His message contained both Daily Bread and that which I was to hide in my heart…and that He would “sort it out” at posting time. Now I have the impression that He wants me to share what He said when He first began to speak this morning. Holy Spirit: I come to show you a mystery. Listener: He did not mention this again, but I sensed that He was referring to something which was to be used against this Satanic attack, so at the end of the message I asked, “What is to come? What additional weapon do You wish to reveal?” His response was: When the time comes. Be ready to receive it.