Listener: As those of you who come regularly for Daily Bread know, I much prefer to give you the words spoken by Holy Spirit rather than my words explaining what He has said. However, He gave me today’s message in several different ways, so I can give you relatively few exact quotes. One of those exact quotes came yesterday as I thought about the one for whom we have prayed twice, with the anointing of oil and laying on of hands, for the healing of Parkinson’s disease. The Holy Spirit had just given me a message for him telling him that God has not forgotten him and that he is not to forget God. After I e-mailed that message. I was thinking of all that he has patiently endured for years and of his wife as she has watched and emotionally experienced his pain, and Holy Spirit spoke: He will not be healed on the basis of what he has done but on the basis of what Jesus did for him on the cross, purchasing not only forgiveness for all his sins but also making him whole. The salvation for which Jesus died is SOZO…wholeness. Listener: Later yesterday and again this morning as I took my little dog out and walked among the pines, I pondered and prayed about these words, wondering and asking if we were to anoint and lay hands on him a third time. The gift of faith for this healing is still strong, and I wanted to be obedient if we were being so led. Then Holy Spirit asked a question: Would you cease to pray after only two times about anything else for which I had instructed you to pray? Listener: This morning, after the one under whose spiritual authority I sit questioned the advisability of a third healing prayer, I was blessed by both a word of knowledge and a word of revelation and clarification. The word of knowledge came as I stood at the Lord’s Table praying. I experienced a momentary but extremely sharp and penetrating pain in the top of my head exactly where one of the DBS electrodes was inserted into the brain of the one who has…No! the one who had Parkinson’s disease! I know beyond any doubt that this was truly a word of knowledge. I have never had such a pain before…and I know where those electrodes are located because I felt the bases of both when I placed my hands on his head to pray. I wish that I could quote the exact words that Holy Spirit spoke to me at this moment, but I was too overcome to write them down. The essence of His revelation is that this man has been healed. We are to pray, but the prayers which we pray at this point are for the manifestation of that healing, including the removal of the metal electrodes, as well as offering prayers of thanksgiving and praise. This healing is for the Glory of God! AMEN.