Listener: This morning Holy Spirit reminded me that God knows the end from the beginning. He interjected that reminder near the end of the message that He was giving me for Daily Bread and told me to use these words to introduce His message. Holy Spirit: Listener, this morning we will go to a spiritual level deeper than any to which I have yet taken you in Daily Bread. Hear My Voice. Heed My words. This revelation can transform your life; it can transform you and those who read these words. And now the message: Many are not yet ready to receive these words. If you are not yet ready, ask Me and I will lead you into readiness. In My Presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). I Am always with you; be still, be quiet and you can experience My Presence. To hear My Voice is wonderful, but this is only one aspect of My Presence. Know My peace; know My Love; know my wisdom; know ME. I give you ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart to relate to Me in Love. When you sit quietly and clear your mind to receive the thoughts that I give you, you begin to experience my Presence. If you ask, I can enable you to go throughout your day, even throughout the rest of your life living in My Presence. Very, very few have ever been able to sustain such extended receptivity; those few have been blessed beyond anything that you can think or imagine. Such abiding in My Presence, or even a portion of time spent in such abiding is not something that you do; it is something that you receive at a deeper level of spiritual awareness that few even desire. The desire, not just the words but the burning desire of your heart to actually live and breathe and have your being in Me is the key to this extended and enhanced abiding. If you wish to have, to know this desire, ask Me and I will not only give you the desire, I will also fulfill it. The day is coming and shall soon be when all Believers will experience this spiritual embrace of the Lord. For the day that now is, ask Me and I will enable you to move ever closer to living in the fullness of joy of His Presence.