Listener: PRAISE THE LORD!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! This morning I opened my e-mail to find ominous words: “Your site has incurred a fatal error.” I immediately began to panic and to mourn; I am not certain which came first. When I read that e-mail I felt as though a beloved companion had died. I knew that this website is important to me, and Holy Spirit has told me that the Daily Bread is even more important to Him than to me, but I did not know just how important recording His words has become for me until I thought that I had lost the means to record and to send them to you. I could not even begin to attempt to follow the instructions which were included in the e-mail which delivered the death notice…the technical instructions were in a language foreign to my understanding. So I prayed, and took a shower, where I continued to pray. Then I remembered the wonderful helpers who had spent hours walking me through the construction of the website, enabling me to implement the explicit instructions which the Holy Spirit had given me regarding every aspect of the Window into Heaven. So I called the Word Press help line, and my heart sank even deeper when the nice young man to whom I spoke said that he could not help me; obviously the problem with the Window was very serious, and he suggested that I call Blue Host. My heart was heavy as I dialed that number. However, during the next hour (perhaps not that long, but it seemed so to me), an extremely patient and knowledgeable young man gave me precise step-by-step instructions as to how to raise the Window into Heaven from the dead!!! I am so very grateful to be able to post this message to you today, and to remind you, as Holy Spirit reminded me, He is an ever present Help in times of trouble. The problem with the website this morning certainly cannot compare to the current crisis facing our country and the entire world, but the same Helper who resurrected the Window after the fatal error is available to help us now as we walk through these days of darkness. The message which He had given me for today dealt with what this period of semi-isolation has perhaps provided for us: an opportunity to be still and listen for His Voice. Unless he gives me other instructions, that will be tomorrow’s Daily Bread. Shalom.