Listener: Holy Spirit awakened me early in the Fifth Watch this morning, and as soon as I knelt on the Mountain, He spoke: Stop thinking and talking to Me in your mind. Be quiet and allow Me to take you on a brief journey this morning. Listener: Then He took me flying over a large area; I saw houses but no people moving about and no traffic. What I heard was quiet so deep that I could almost feel it. And then suddenly we were back on the Mountain, and He was speaking to me: Perhaps now, in this period of social distancing and physical isolation when My people feel no need to rush to go to some place other than the place where they are, perhaps now My people will find the time and the quiet to simply be, and to realize that in the depths of their being, they long to be with Me and to hear My Voice. I have so much to say to each individual, so much wisdom to share, life purposes to reveal, Scriptural insights to give…and above all, expressions of My Love. Hear My Voice; follow where I lead you. I will open your eyes to see and your ears to hear great and mighty things. I will fill your heart with My Love for you and enable you to share My Love with others. This can become a time of joy and personal spiritual renewal unlike anything that you have ever experienced. I Am the Comforter. I will comfort you and enable you to experience My Presence. When you have truly experienced My Presence, heard My Voice, had your heart warmed by My Love, and your eyes opened to behold My Glory, then you will never be satisfied with anything less than the experience of More of My Presence. For My beloved children this can become a time of walking more closely with Me than you ever thought possible in this life. Now, Listener, tell them about the book to which I led you, and also tell them that the journaling emphasized in the book is important. Writing what I speak to you is one of the ways in which you honor My words. Another way that you honor My words to you is to obey them. Listener: The book to which Holy Spirit referred is “Dialogue with God: Opening the Door to Two-way Prayer,” by Mark and Patti Virkler. It is available on Amazon. Holy Spirit led me to Virkler through another “trusted source,” to which He led me several weeks ago. In the categorization which He established long ago, when I am led to a second source through a “trusted source,” the second source can also be trusted. I believe that all of you who come now for Daily Bread are led by Holy Spirit and have heard His call. I was also blessed by this level of His Presence for many years, but now I know that He desires More for us, and a part of that More is the intimacy which comes from regularly hearing His Voice, from engaging in conversation with Him. Holy Spirit desires to give More of Himself to us, and to have us give more of ourselves to Him, a foretaste of the fullness of His Presence that we will know when we leave the time of earth and enter into eternity. And, if you think that I fully understand the meaning of this sentence in bold print, you are mistaken. Holy Spirit took control of my pen and wrote that!