Listener: Yesterday Holy Spirit instructed me to record some of the words that He gave to me for you during the period when He did not inscribe His Daily Bread on the Tabula Rasa. Today He has told me to share His words given during that period which I thought were meant for my ears only. I believe that one of the reasons why I must share these words now is because I questioned the leading of Holy Spirit by seeking reassurance from another trusted source as to the wisdom of my taking the first step indicated in Holy Spirit’s message. So many times He has told me to encourage those of you who come to receive His Daily Bread to follow His lead, to answer His call without shrinking back. And yet I have been shrinking back…not refusing to act but hesitating to express my “Yes, Lord” by acting on His instructions. Now, in addition to taking that first step, He has told me go even further…to share the verbal vision which He gave me when He revealed the first step. Holy Spirit spoke: Listener, write these words so that you will remember them. I am giving you the gifts of healing and learning opportunities to provide a way for the extension of the messages that I give to you for the Window into Heaven. Register for the Global Awakening classes on healing, and note well the name of the ministry offering these classes… Global Awakening. Do not waste this opportunity for study and preparation. Remember, We are moving toward “finals.” I have a mission for you. Your mission field is in your computer…to allow Me to speak through My Tabula Rasa to those to whom I take it. The message which you will take is that of yielding to Holy Spirit, to be ignited by My Presence and to allow My Fire to purify and to empower those who yield and receive…and, for some, the greater mission of carrying My Fire to others. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is for all, but that of which I speak here is the More which I desire to give to all who will receive that which I offer. For you, Listener, and for those to whom you speak, I have been preparing you for years for this time. I make a path for you to come into all that I have for you. Walk in it.