Holy Spirit: The downpours of rain which have occurred here recently demonstrate in the natural that which would occur in the spiritual realm if all Believers were willing to receive the outpouring of My Spirit which I desire to give to them. But, before I can do this, you must be willing to receive My outpouring; you must be hungry for My Presence. This is one of the reasons why I speak to the Listener and to others who listen to My Voice. I seek empty vessels, those willing to lay aside their own desires and worldly wisdom to seek to be filled to overflowing by My Presence. This deep yearning is not something that you can bring about; it is My gift to you when you are willing to acknowledge how desperately you want and need More of Me, when you ask for and seek such an intimate relationship with Me. Some of you already know what a blessing this is; share this blessing with your brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage them to seek what you have found. My sheep do hear My Voice when they listen, but many do not find the quiet time to seek My Presence and listen. I know the deepest needs of every one of My children, and it is My desire to meet all of those needs…to heal, to enlighten, to empower…to give you More from My inexhaustible spiritual storehouse. I Love you with a Love that you cannot begin to comprehend, but which you can receive. When you have received My Love…ask for More! And when you have been filled to overflowing. ask for still More, and I will increase your capacity to receive. I delight in those who are always seeking More…even when they find it difficult to express in words what that More is. More can be very simply defined…it is to desire with all your heart not just what I can give to you…but to desire Me. To know in the very depths of your being that the most important, the most significant, the most fulfilling time in your day is the time that you spend in My Presence. Even though in this earthly life you can never love Me as I Love you, as you abide in Me I will enable you to love More and More…I will fertilize the seeds of My Love in you with spiritual Miracle-Gro and water those seeds with Rivers of Living Water so that your life may be graced by an abundant harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit…and so that others may also be blessed by that harvest.