Listener: I heard the call of Holy Spirit at the beginning of the Fourth Watch but had difficulty responding because sleep also called. I had the sense that Holy Spirit was telling me to pray and perhaps to ask others to pray, but the enemy seemed to be attempting to prevent my hearing the Voice of Holy Spirit. This opposition tells us that the Daily Bread messages are effective; the enemy does not wish us to hear these messages, Please pray for their timely receipt and delivery. As I wrote these words, I heard the Beloved Voice. Holy Spirit: Do not be disturbed by the attacks of the enemy; did you expect no opposition from the forces of darkness? I bring Light; your enemy brings darkness. Seek the Light and darkness cannot prevail. Those thoughts which suggest that you seek sleep rather than listening to My Voice are weaker than your commitment to Me, and they are definitely much weaker than My strength. Now, hear My Voice as I instruct you, as I speak in Love and Wisdom to you personally and to those to whom you write. I Am ready to move in Power and in Might. I seek those who will be or who already are yielded to Me to receive My Power. I seek those who seek Me with all their hearts, and when you so seek, you shall find. I can issue a general call to you through others, but I desire to give each one of you individual instructions and assignments which you must hear personally. Pray for ears to hear My Voice, and I will hear and answer your prayers. Remember, when you have so prayed, then you must be quiet and listen. You must seek My Presence. I will lead you step by step. I will prepare and protect you as you go forward in obedience. And, when the opposition comes….note that I said when the opposition comes, not If the opposition comes…because the opposition definitely will come. But when it comes I will empower you to overcome. Those whom I send out to battle wear the armor that I have provided and walk in the Power of My Presence. The enemy is already defeated even though he tries to convince you that he has power over you. Do not hear his lies. Trust and obey Me. The only weapons that the enemy has are the lies and deceptions which he uses to cloud your mind, to send his fiery darts of doubt and fear into your mind. Take up your shield of faith. Put on the helmet of My sanctification of your soul…your mind, will and emotions, and resist him in My strength. Call him the liar that he is, and do not allow him to use your own mind and emotions as weapons against you. Call the enemy the defeated foe that he is. Walk in My everlasting all sufficient Love which always envelops you…even when you fail to perceive it. Shalom…rest in My Peace.