Listener: Five days ago as I stood praying over the Lord’s Table my hands began to tingle, and Holy Spirit gave me a vision. Afterward I asked, “Lord, what am I to do with this vision? Hide it in my heart? Tell the one who is gifted in the interpretation of visions and dreams and ask for interpretation? Post it on the website? I await your leading.” Holy Spirit responded: Very good. I gave the vision to you and now you have given it back to Me to bring to fulfillment. Shalom. Listener: Those were the last words that Holy Spirit has given me for Daily Bread since last Saturday. He has given me words for others, leading, and scriptural insights…but no Daily Bread, and no explanation as to why there has been no Daily Bread. Now, today He has told me to share the vision with you. This is a description of what I saw and heard: Someone who was standing in front of the congregation with hands upraised during praise and worship slowly lowered one arm as the last song was ending and with outreached hand made a sweeping movement over the musicians and singers and then continued to sweep over the area where the congregation was standing. As the hand passed over each area every person in turn fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. The person at the front of the church stood there among the fallen and then began to speak powerfully in tongues, but there was no interpretation. As I wondered why there was no interpretation, the vision faded. This was when I asked the questions recorded at the beginning of this post. I also asked, “And, when You bring it to pass, I pray for an interpretation of the words in tongues that You gave today and will give in reality”. I cannot explain why I was instructed to hold this message and now to post it in Daily Bread. I cannot give you a full interpretation of the vision. What I can tell you is that for some time my heart has burned within me whenever I have heard or read Romans 15:18-19. Recently Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to understand what I have perhaps heard in the past but was not ready to receive. This Scripture reads For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient—in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. I believe that for the Gospel to be fully preached, the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit is necessary…and that this is one of the reasons why this vision was given.