Listener: Your Daily Bread is being delivered late today. After a lengthy and exhausting time on the mountain during a major portion of the Third Watch, I slept quite late and then had several obligations to meet before I could focus on posting this message. When the Holy Spirit called me to the Mountain this morning, I was dreaming about being held captive by the enemy and attempting to escape. That attempt to escape from the enemy continued for some time after I was awake and at the top of the Mountain. At one point I was so worn out from fighting his words of doubt and defeat, his attempts to confuse my mind and burden my heart, and his successful effort to prevent my hearing the Voice of Holy Spirit, that I decided to give up, to go back to bed and seek refuge in sleep. Then I heard these words from Holy Spirit Loud and Clear...DO NOT LEAVE THE MOUNTAIN. Go to the Word of God, to the Logos. So I did…I went to Romans Chapter 14, which I had read just before I went to bed, and as I read this chapter again I became aware that I was no longer under attack and that my heart was quiet. At first I thought that the Daily Bread message was to come from some words in Romans which had deeply impressed me when I read them earlier, but then Holy Spirit spoke again: The Mountain will come under even greater attack as time goes on, but you must tarry for my messages. Yesterday you received a promise for More. Now remember that to whom much is given, much is required, but also remember that I told you that I would go with you every step of the way. I used the military examples of Dunkirk and Normandy in Daily Bread earlier in the week to emphasize that this is a battle… The Body of Christ is in a battle, and many of the members of that Body do not realize that they must fight in that battle. Your part in the battle is to Trust and Obey; this enables you to go into battle in My Strength. Today I reminded you of your primary offensive weapon when I told you to go to the Word, not to receive a word for Daily Bread; the message for Daily Bread is the attack which you suffered on the Mountain this morning. I told you to go to the Word to remind you, Listener, and those who read what you write, that Scripture…the Word of God is your primary offensive weapon. This morning you forgot to wield the Sword of the Spirit, so I broke through the enemy’s attack for you to enable you to hear My Voice. Remember that I told you yesterday that you would be used as a teaching example. To be so used, you must lay down all pride, rely on My strength, not yours, and allow me to instruct and encourage others who encounter the same enemy and opposition that I allowed to attack you this morning. I will continue to allow you to go through battles that you thought were won long ago so that you may serve as an example of how these battles are to be fought and won. The Believers who suffer such attacks are those who are committed to serving God, who have offered their bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). The severity of the attack is an indicator of the degree of commitment. So, rejoice when you have been attacked, and the enemy has been defeated.