Listener: Holy Spirit awakened me at 3:13 this morning and spoke as soon as I finished praying to be made a Tabula Rasa Today He began by asking a question…a question preceded by some rather penetrating comments regarding my nature. I would prefer to omit those comments but have just been told that such an omission would weaken the point that He wants to make. Holy Spirit: Listener. it is your natural inclination to dominate every situation in which you find yourself, to take charge so to speak. Yet you have never attempted to do that in the Body of which you are a part. Do you know why? My answer was, “No, I have simply felt led to be led.” He responded: Exactly. You have not been led to do what you would do in the natural. Every member of this Body has a role to fulfill. If any member of the Body attempts to fulfill a role to which he has not been called, the Body will not function as I prepared it to function. The roles to which you have been assigned are not necessarily, in fact, are rarely those in which you function elsewhere, for good reason. If you fulfilled your usual role, your role in the world, in the natural, you would function in that role in the Body in your strength. To effectively function as My Body, each member of the Body must function in My strength…receiving not only My strength but also My power, My Love, My attributes...In order for this to be accomplished in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, all must yield to Him. Only then can the Body of Christ truly Glorify Me. Pray for that day, and in the meantime. until that day comes, pray for each member of the portion of My Body of which you are a part to seek My leading, My enabling…pray that the under-shepherd who leads you has or will be given the Mind of Christ and the patient commitment to help each individual member of the Body to progress to an enlightened perception of his calling, the calling for which I have prepared him and enabled him to answer. Until that day comes, pray for the patience of those who have already answered their call to love and accept those who still stumble around seeking the place that I have prepared for them. True and complete Unity is not easily achieved, but until it is completed, Love can cover the cracks…the breeches in the Wall. Listener: After the Holy Spirit completed His message, He reminded me to be sure to remind those of you who read His messages that when He says “you”…he means you. Then, because I had “heard’ His message as the words flowed from my pen without my having any idea what was to be written next, I desired to “hear” His Voice in my mind…or in my spirit…wherever it is that I am enabled to engage in intimate conversation with Him and to experience His Presence…and so I asked him to fulfill this desire. He answered: Listener, you know, in the innermost part of your being, that I Love you with an everlasting Love. Do you need to be reassured of that? My answer: No, but even though I am blessed when You give me a message of instruction or correction for the corporate body, Acts 17:28 still consumes me…I do live and move and have my being in You. Hearing Your Voice and experiencing Your Presence has become as necessary to me as the air that I breathe. His Response: Excellent answer. You do realize that I gave you that answer, don’t you? …. There were no more words after that, but as I descended the Mountain, wrapped in the warmth of His Love, my prayer for each one who partakes of this Daily Bread was that you will be able to experience the Presence and hear the Voice of this indescribably Magnificent God Who Loves Us So. When I reached the bottom of the Mountain and looked at the clock, it was 4:13. I had spent a glorious hour with Him, and it seemed like just a few minutes. Perhaps that is a foretaste of eternity