Holy Spirit: The Listener has had two dreams this week about being held captive by the enemy. These dreams were not from Me; that is why I interrupted both to call the Listener to the Mountain. The dreams were deceptive. Only one who willingly follows the enemy is taken captive. Anyone who has been captured has willingly participated in his becoming the enemy’s prisoner. You can and will be attacked by the enemy, but that is quite different from being held prisoner. You are engaged in guerilla warfare…spiritual guerilla warfare against the forces of evil. It is very difficult to fight such a war. The war in Viet Nam was a guerilla war; the enemy never fought in the open but attacked from hidden positions in the jungle as well as in the native population. This enabled them to inflict massive casualties and ultimately to force the U.S. troops to withdraw without achieving victory. Believers also wage war against an unseen or unrecognized enemy. If you are to fight effectively, you must learn to identify Satan’s tactics. He uses lies, deception and counterfeits, half-truths, misquoting Scripture and casting doubt on God’s Word. When he tempted Eve, first he cast doubt regarding what God had actually said, and then he questioned God’s reason for saying it. Always remember that one of the reasons that the Father sent Me to dwell in Believers is to teach you the Truth of His Word. When Satan says to you, “Did God really say?” Ask Me, and I will tell you what God really said! When you read or study the Word, pray that you may hear Me as I open the Scripture to your understanding (John 14:26). I will also give you Rhema, bringing specific Scripture to you mind to use when you wield the Sword of the Spirit. I also protect your Daily Bread, seeing to it that you read only Truth here. I am with you in all aspects of your battle with the enemy; I do not sit behind the lines at a command post issuing orders. We will speak more later about how you are to deal with the attacks of this unseen and often undetected enemy. I will give you ears to hear Me, and eyes to recognize the enemy and his tactics. Always wear your armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). Surely you realize that since I have spent an entire week giving you message after message in Daily Bread warning you about the enemy and his tactics, that it is important for you to recognize that you are in a battle. You have a persistent enemy; a defeated enemy who persists in attacking Believers since he cannot attack the One in whom they believe. Just remember that the Father sent Me to help you. In Scripture I am called the Promise of the Father (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4). Inherent in that Promise is not only that I would be sent to indwell you but that I would also Help you. Shalom.