Listener: Again this morning I was awakened just minutes before the alarm went off. I was concerned that I would not be able to ascend the Mountain, but Holy Spirit enabled me. As I prayed there, expressing gratitude for this quiet time and for my relatively few early morning responsibilities, I realized that this, the distraction of early morning responsibilities is one of the problems, perhaps the problem that you experience in your seeking to hear Him. So I began to pray for Him to restore my quiet time and to provide such a time for you…and then Holy Spirit spoke: This is not a time for you to pray; it is a time for you to receive; to rest in My Presence; to receive My Peace. When I have given you that quiet heart, when you rest in Me, then you can hear Me. Today I want to bless you with a Love so deep, so all-encompassing that there are no words in your language to express it. You will feel the Love: It is My Presence. Listener: I recorded those words, and then waited in expectation … almost holding my breath because of the magnitude of the blessing which I believed Holy Spirit had promised. After I had waited in silence for some time, receiving nothing, experiencing nothing except disappointment and confused concern, I asked, “Lord, how can I write this in Daily Bread? I experienced nothing!” He responded: I know. I told you that I wanted to give you that experience, not that you would be able to receive it today. Tell this to those to whom you write, to comfort them, to encourage them. At other times I have led you to describe the intimate relationship that you have with Me…to give them detailed accounts of your time on the Mountain to inspire a desire in their hearts for such a relationship…to hear My Voice…to rest in My Presence. But when they attempt to seek My Presence and fail to hear, they tend to become discouraged. They know, or should know in view of what I have given you to reveal to them…they know how closely you walk with Me. So when I tell you that I want to take you ever deeper and to overwhelm you with My Love…but you cannot yet receive it…this indicates that all relationships with Me are progressive and should give them hope, inspire them to continue to seek My Face…to desire to truly abide in Me. Now, for you, Listener…You always forget that I know the innermost desires of your heart. Although you did not ask, I knew that you wanted to be given an inspiring Daily Bread message expressing My Love and My Blessings…to fill those who come for Daily Bread and you with the Love which is central to any relationship with Me…and I have fulfilled that unspoken desire. Go in Peace. Walk in Love. And know that even when you cannot experience My Presence, you are always in My Presence. Holy Spirit spoke again as I descended the mountain …The words I gave you earlier .. about experiencing the fullness of My Love, of My Presence...One day you and all those who Believe will be able to fully receive My Love and to fully abide in Me Forever. Listener: I was so deeply moved by the words spoken to me this morning, words which had so filled me that I expected nothing more when I came to the Lord’s Table for Communion. This is not a religious ritual for me….the deepest reverence that I experience is at this time. I truly do remember that the only reason that I can enter into the Presence of God is because I am accepted in the Beloved. I do not have the words to tell you what I felt today as I reached to take the Bread representing the Body of my Savior and heard the Holy Spirit whisper...The LOVE that I described to you earlier today is expressed in the Bread and the Wine of Communion...His Body and His Blood given for your Salvation. Amen