Listener: When the Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fifth Watch this morning, I was praying…I could still “hear” the beginning words of the prayer “O Lord, please give me a burning desire to know and to do Your will.” I was almost overcome by this great blessing, that even in my dreams I was led to ask Him to restore and renew my commitment to Him. And I asked Him to enable all of you who come for Daily Bread to not only reach but to go beyond this level of commitment and yielding. Then, after I reached the top of the Mountain, I had great difficulty staying awake, so I continued to pray rather than quietly listening for the Holy Spirit to speak, as I usually do. The Listener prays: “Lord, You must have a wonderful message for Daily Bread today since You enabled me to wake up praying, and now the enemy is attempting to persuade me to go back to sleep. Please help me to receive delivery of the Bread; Your people are hungry. I thank You, Father, that they are hungry; that they know that they need nourishment! Please help those who are seeking You in Your Word. Help them, help us, to not only understand Your Word but to receive ever deeper insights and meaning. Please help those who seek to hear Your Voice to hear Your instruction and insights and to experience the unutterable joy of intimate relationship with You. Give us the strength and the endurance to do Your will as You reveal it to us. And that burning desire that You led me to pray for even in my dreams, please intensify it …make it so strong that it is evident to all with whom we come into contact. Oh Lord, please give me the revelation to teach about the Seven Spirits of God and enable those who hear that teaching to understand and to receive it. Thank You for the wonderful privilege of prayer. Thank You for giving me this prayer this morning and for allowing me to share it. Thank You for the sure and certain knowledge that this is Your Will for all who read this prayer…and that all prayers prayed in Your Will will be answered! In the Holy Blessed Name of Jesus, I pray. Holy Spirit: Listener, as you finished praying I heard your thoughts, that you were waiting for Me to give you the message for Daily Bread. You just prayed that message…the words that I gave you and to which you responded by repeating them to the Father. I assure you and all who come for Daily Bread, that prayer is being answered even as you write and they read this message. Shalom.