Listener: Today is Thanksgiving Day. I thank God every day for many things, but today I wanted to express my gratitude here, on the website which the Holy Spirit conceived, designed and brought into being. He has graciously given me permission to use a few of my words to thank Him and to attempt to tell you about the Daily Bread with which I have been fed for these ten months and ten days. However, I lack the eloquence and the vocabulary to express the depths of His revelations and the heights of Love and Joy which I have been privileged to experience in His Presence. I do not believe that any earthly language can describe the blessing of the Presence of God, a blessing truly beyond measure. This period of daily communion and communication with the Holy Spirit has transformed my life…a life which had been dedicated to God for years but which cannot be compared to this new life which I have been given. For this totally undeserved gift and for allowing me to share with others what You show me through the window into heaven which You have given me, I most sincerely thank You. Holy Spirit: There are Believers who will not receive My blessings because they fear what I might ask of them in return. I do not refer to material blessings…worldly prosperity, financial gain, worldly accomplishments and successes. They will receive those blessings. The blessings which they will not receive are the spiritual blessings of coming into My Presence, Hearing My Voice, Receiving My Guidance, Experiencing the Depths of My Love. They are crippled by the fear of what I might ask of them in return for granting these greater blessings… never realizing that if they would receive the spiritual blessings they would become willing to do anything that I might ask of them. They deprive themselves of the Relationship which would give true meaning to their lives, choosing to live on the surface of My Love without ever allowing Me to take them deeper. They have received salvation but have never gone beyond their initial acceptance of the atonement of Christ, content to remain babes in Christ, without the desire to grow and to mature, to truly give Me their hearts, to truly yield their flesh, self, to Me. They view such yielding as “giving up who they are”… and actually this is exactly what yielding is…giving up who you are in the flesh to become who I can and desire to enable you to become in the Spirit. As you yield to Me, your born again spirit is fed, and you come to desire My Presence more than the things of the world. You begin to learn that to truly live, you must die to the flesh, to open your hearts and your eyes and your ears to Me and to experience the New Life into which you have been born again. The things of the world are the toys of the spiritually immature. The greater blessings of growing in Me, yielding to Me, receiving from Me all that I have for you…this is what gives meaning to your life and brings true fulfillment. This is what your born again spirit yearns for. This is what you deny if you try to find fulfillment and meaning in the world…or in “religious” activities which require little or no true spiritual involvement.