Listener: As I ascended the Mountain this morning in the first hour of the Fifth Watch, I heard the Voice of Holy Spirit: You are rested now, so I can give you this very important message. Listener: But when I reached the top of the Mountain I heard nothing. I lingered, first praying to hear more and then in silence, waiting. I felt my body relaxing and thought that I might be about to go back to sleep. Then I began to hear His Voice as though it came from a distance…and to see a great vista, a view of other Mountains. Holy Spirit: You are not alone; there are many others to whom I am speaking. I told you that I am recruiting an army. This army of Believers is made up of listeners. In various ways they hear My Voice and speak it, also in various ways, to others who cannot hear. Ultimately, I will give to all of the listeners and the ones to whom they have spoken my messages… I will give all of you essentially the same core messages with personal applications. At that point My Body will be entering the true unity which I have always desired…you in Me and I in you. I have come this morning to bless you, Listener, with a manifestation of My Presence…Receive it…Do not lay down your pen, this manifestation will be in words. I have told you that your gift is verbal…I will speak Peace to you. My Peace I give you. I hear fragments of questions in your mind. Do not speak them now, just be quiet and listen to Me. I know that it is not easy for you to remain quiet, but you do not need to fight this morning to keep those other voices at bay; today I fight for you. I hold you in my arms to impart My Love, My Anointing, My Commissioning for you. Do not think about Daily Bread now; I am speaking to you. Listener: Then I saw a screen with what looked like a video on fast forward; pictures were being displayed so rapidly that everything was blurred. Apparently I was tense, because when Holy Spirit spoke again, He said, You need to relax your body so that you will not be aware of anything physical…only of Me. Stop writing. I will enable you to remember anything that you need to remember. Listener: When I “came back,” thirty or forty minutes had elapsed. For a time my physical body was almost limp, drained. I sensed that I had wanted to remain in the spiritual realm to which I had been carried and was reluctantly returning to the physical. Holy Spirit had told me that I would remember what I needed to remember, but I could remember only rest and peace. I do know that He anointed me with His Presence…that I experienced His Holy Presence as I have never experienced it before. I do not struggle to remember words; I do not even know whether there were words. After a while, since I heard no message from Holy Spirit, I began to wonder if what I had experienced was for today’s Daily Bread. As I wondered, I “saw” myself seated at the computer, so I believe that I am to share with you what I remember about this morning’s experience on the Mountain. I cannot share what happened when Holy Spirit took me into another realm because I do not know all that transpired during this time. This I do know, when and if I ever need to know what happened there Holy Spirit will enable me to remember. Later today, at morning prayer, Holy Spirit told me that I must admit to you that I did not truly desire to share this experience. What I experienced with the Lord was so personal that I felt that somehow it might be diminished if I spoke or wrote about it. But He told me to share it. Since God has given me so much, and the only things that I can give Him are Praise, Worship, Trust and Obedience, this morning I offer Him my obedience.