Listener: Once again I was dreaming when Holy Spirit awakened me. This dream led to a state of confusion because I had heard a voice calling to me which I recognized but which was not the Voice of the Holy Spirit. My confused thoughts were interrupted by Holy Spirit’s asking me to consider who wanted me to be confused, and following that question with His answer: Certainly not Me. Hear My Voice now in perfect peace as I give you Daily Bread. When I called you to teach Bible Study, you heard My call, but when you began to teach, you taught from your mind. You followed My leading regarding the topics on which you taught, but you relied primarily on knowledge gained from your years in other Bible studies, on teachings from various pulpits, and on your own study of the Word. You requested and I gave you insights, especially regarding the Scripture that you used, but your teacher’s mind compiled and dominated the study. Now you teach in My strength, My wisdom, My revelation, as I lead. This is the teaching which will bear fruit, fruit for those whom you teach and for you. There is an important lesson to be learned from this example. Even when those who are called answer My call, they frequently attempt to live out that answer in their own strength. Credit is given for answering the call, but it must be answered in My strength and with My leading to produce fruit. And now that your mind and heart are quiet, let us return to your initial confusion this morning. The dream and the wake-up call were not from Me, even though the timing was right. After I intervened, your confusion and concern were primarily the result of the fact that the dream dealt with the subject of your desire for consecration, to be dedicated to serving God, to truly become a living sacrifice…and you did not want to discuss this on Daily Bread. The oil of consecration has been flowing in your life for some time now as you have yielded your will to Me more and more, but what you have experienced so far cannot compare to what I still have for you. Yet even now, while I am telling you great and mighty things, you are worrying about having to reveal this in Daily Bread. Let Me Speak! A state of total consecration is reached when a person is completely yielded to Me, a state which cannot be reached in the flesh and which few humans ever reach in the Spirit. But the desire to reach such a state of total consecration, total dedication, of being completely set apart to serve God…that desire is pleasing to Him…. I know that you would prefer not to share some of the personal aspects of this message. However, when the time comes, and that time will come, for Me to deal with the few, the remnant to whom you write now, they will remember. I will bring to their minds what I have told you today. And when they remember, it will help them to receive what I have for them. You have yielded to Me and asked to be used…I am using you to prepare others for what is to come. When they come to the point of seeking what you are seeking now, and they will reach that point, perhaps they will not be quite as shocked as you are now. And when they see where I am taking you, they will be more willing to begin the same journey with Me.