Listener: I was very tired when the Holy Spirit called me to the Mountain this morning. After praying for a few moments, I waited in silence for at least ten minutes before Holy Spirit gave me a vision of walking in a peaceful pasture where there were many beautiful, healthy goats. One doe appeared to be about to give birth, and memories of the joys of caring for young kids flooded my mind. These memories resulted in my proceeding from a vision intended to bring me into a state of peaceful and receptive quiet so that I could hear the Holy Spirit to writing more than three pages about the care and feeding of new-born kids. What I wrote was drawn from my knowledge and experience, which Holy Spirit clearly indicated when I began to hear Him speak. Holy Spirit: Remember what I told you yesterday about your early days of teaching out of your own thoughts and experiences. This is what you have been doing this morning. You did not hear Me speak, so you began to prepare a message on your own. Actually, the example of a new-born baby goat being licked dry by the mother and nuzzled into position to begin to nurse is a good illustration of the infant born-again Believer being fed the milk of the Word of God. We will use that this morning, but cut it from three pages to three sentences. Then we will proceed to offer meat to those who come for Daily Bread, meat as well as bread, the solid nourishment needed to enable them to grow spiritually…to develop ears to hear, eyes to see and a yielding heart…to inspire them to go to the Word and ask Me to open to them the deeper meaning of Scripture….to hear My voice and follow where I lead them…to be able to receive not only My counsel and My leading but also My Love…and to allow that Love to flow through them to touch others. Listener: He paused, and I wondered if this was the end of the message, but He answered my thought…No, that is not all of My message. I know that you are weary this morning, Listener, and that the world is much with you, but Hear My Voice; Come to Me. Prepare the Bread and the Wine of Communion and I will speak words of comfort and edification…bring your notebook and pen to record My words. Listener testifies: As I began to pray before taking the bread and the wine, the Holy Spirit reminded me that twice recently when I had been under attack by the enemy on the mountain, He had told me to reach for my Bible and read. This was the first time that He had led me to the Lord’s table in time of need, except when He first led me to daily Communion years ago…at a time when my need was indeed great. As I began to pray my usual closing prayer asking for the power of the Holy Spirit to be released in my life, I heard myself praying for the PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. As soon as that prayer left my lips, I became not only acutely aware of His Presence, I was flooded with His Peace. This was More than hearing. This was having an empty space within me filled to overflowing by His Presence. And then, in that familiar, intimate tone that touches me almost as much as the times when He allows me to experience His awesome Holiness, Holy Spirit asked… Can you hear Me now? Listener: I answered “Oh Yes…and So Much MORE! Then He spoke very tenderly, as one speaks to a child, Go to bed now. I know that you are tired. And I questioned, “But Lord, what about the Daily Bread?” He responded, Listener, today you are the message for Daily Bread. Think how encouraging your experience this morning will be to those who struggle to hear or who hear not at all; who attempt to serve in their own strength as you did with your three pages about baby goats; when those who read realize that not only spiritual weakness but also physical exhaustion can lead to hearing problems. Twice recently I have led you to Scripture when you experienced spiritual attack. Tonight your problem was primarily physical, so I led you to the healing and restorative power of Holy Communion. All things really do work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).