Holy Spirit: Just before you went to bed a few hours ago, I gave you an unexpected message which you typed as you made notes for the Bible Study lesson. I know that you thought that it was for the class as well as the Body of Christ of which you are a member, and now you are surprised that I am bringing it up on the Mountain where you receive the words for Daily Bread. However, consider the reason why I told you to use this title for these daily messages. It is found in Matthew 6:9-13, which you know as “The Lord’s Prayer” because Jesus gave it to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. You and those to whom you write have prayed this prayer for years; it is also the pattern on which all of your prayers should be based. Verse 11 is Give us this day our daily bread, which refers to the Father’s provision for his children…both natural and spiritual provision. The messages which I give you for this Daily Bread are those which are needed and can be received by those who read them. The messages for the class are sometimes different from those in Daily Bread because the needs and the levels of receptivity are different. Today’s message is very strong, but it is intended for those in both groups who are members of the Body of Christ and have prayed this prayer so many times that they are no longer fully impacted by the words. Verse 11, a request for God’s provision, is immediately followed by Verse 12, which should pierce the heart of every Believer…Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Listener, you well remember that when you were an unbeliever I used these words to pierce your heart as I was drawing you to Jesus. The words penetrated deep into your heart because you knew that you were drowning in your unforgiveness for the one who had hurt you so deeply. Reasoning person that you were (and still are), you thought, How can I be forgiven so much when I refuse to forgive this person? And so, when you came to pray the sinner’s prayer, accepting the payment that Jesus made for your sins, you also asked to be enabled to forgive the one whom you could not forgive in your own strength. I am about to pierce the hearts of those in the Body of Christ who are allowing their lack of forgiveness for others in the Body to destroy the Unity of that Body. Do not harden your hearts and refuse to allow My conviction to penetrate, Tell them this…warn them and take heed yourself…I will allow Nothing and Nobody to diminish the Unity of the Body of Christ, the corporate Temple from which the fullness of My Holy Spirit will flow in these end times. But know this: Unity will never be achieved in the flesh…you will NEVER achieve Unity through your own efforts or as long as you continue to worship the little god of self... the flesh. The only way that you can ever experience Unity in the Body of Christ is God’s Way…in the Spirit. The individual members of the Body are human beings, fallible human beings allowing petty annoyances and irritations, minor differences of opinion, and inconsequential grievances to chip away at the fellowship of My Peace and Love which would make you ONE. You must submit to God’s Will in this, yield to Holy Spirit and ask Him to enable you to realize how important, how vital Unity is to your being and doing what God created you to be and to do….The Body of Jesus Christ carrying out the commands that He gave to you when He left this earth and which He continues to give you today. The Father is very serious about the Unity of the Body of His Son. Hear My Voice…you must also become serious about this.