Listener: This morning I reached the top of the mountain with an aching heart. In a moment of weakness and fatigue, and without forethought, I had spoken a word of discouragement to a beloved Brother, and now Holy Spirit was deeply convicting me. However. the conviction of Holy Spirit is a blessing which leads us to repentance and to asking for forgiveness. We serve a God who IS LOVE. He not only forgave me as I knelt on the Mountain, He also gave me a beautiful message expressing the Unity of the Body of Christ in terms of that Love. May it bless you as it blessed me. Holy Spirit: One of the ways that I want to strengthen the Body, the spiritual Unity of the Body, is to provide to those who lack the ability to hear Me the wisdom and counsel which they need through other Believers who do hear Me. But those who cannot hear more than “hearing My words” from their Brothers, they need to be heard…to have access to a human ear and a human heart willing and available to hear their fears, struggles and pain…to allow Me to come alongside them in you, their Brothers in the Body of Christ. Listener, I have been showing you this in a number of ways. I have many revelations for you, but this may be one of the greatest. Tell those to whom you write that they must make themselves available to bind up the wounds of their struggling Brothers, and to allow Me to express encouragement, comfort and support through them. This is the greatest strength of the Body; it undergirds the Temple. When this permeates the Body and is properly applied, like the Balm of Gilead, it will heal the divisions which so weaken the Unity of the Body. We have a beautiful name for this healing Balm…It is called Love. There are many ways to express that Love…if you ask Me, I will show you those in the Body who need to hear and feel that Love from a fellow Believer. We have a beautiful name for that too…it is called Fellowship. I bring together in every congregation complementary elements, so that when every individual Believer is obediently following Me, all of the needs of the Body will be met. When this takes place the corporate Body will fulfill what I told Luke to write in Acts 17:28 In Him we live and move and have our being. The greatest manifestation of My Presence is the Love of the brethren. This the Lifeblood of the Body, and when it flows freely, the Body is healthy; it flourishes; it shines brighter in a world which grows ever darker. As an illustration of how My Love can bring healing , I gave this message of Love to My Listener this morning on the mountain, and the troubled heart, the weary body and the mind besieged by negative thoughts have all been restored. All of the members of My Body must share the Love that I give to you with your brothers …and with those in the world who so desperately need it