Holy Spirit: Yesterday I urged all Believers not to linger in the valley of indecision but to make the decision to follow where I lead you, to open your eyes, your minds, and your hearts to follow. Hear Me. Trust Me. Follow Me. I not only give the call, I also provide all you will need to accomplish what I AM calling you to do. Depend on My strength. Do not look down at the waves, Peter, look at Me! A few days ago I told you about the workers in the fields; you are one of those workers. It is time for you to go forth and do the work that I have called you to do. I will provide whatever you need. If you need clarification as to what I am calling you, ASK and you shall receive. Do you need strength, opportunity, courage? Whatever you need I will provide. But you must have a willing, submissive heart. Do you know what happens when you trust and obey Me? Those whom you love, whom you desire to help, will see, not so much what you do, but who you will become…and that will make your witness effective. Who you are, not what you do or say but the light that shines forth from your life — your life in Me. Also, be aware that there is danger in lingering in the valley of indecision . If you do not answer My call, satan will attempt to entice you to follow his call, his deceptions, his temptations. Satan knows that he has been defeated…but he delights in small, temporary victories on the way to the ultimate consequences of his defeat. When he is able to lead a Believer astray or even just to interfere with a Believer’s fully following God, then he brags “I did with lies what God could not do with Love.” He cannot ever defeat God, but he can wound and sometimes defeat individuals who are God’s creation. Beware, and be aware… satan’s harvest is a bitter harvest.