Holy Spirit Speaks: I came to indwell you when you received Jesus Christ as your Savior, and I filled you when Jesus baptized you in Me. Now there is another filling which I desire to give you. To be very clear, this desire is for you, Listener, for the class that you teach, for the congregation of which you are a part, and for all those to whom you write. However, know that you write not only to those who currently receive this Daily Bread but also to all Believers, especially those who do not yet have the ears to hear. What I desire to give you now is the Overflow, the Rivers of Living Water. A few nights ago you dreamed of someone who kept repeating “the flood insurance has been purchased.” At that time you thought this might indicate that prayers for the much-needed rain in your area were about to be answered. However, the word that you heard was not “insurance;” it was “assurance.” I was assuring you in advance that this message regarding the overflow is truly from Me…the assurance that these Rivers of Living Water will flow out of you to greatly impact everyone with whom you come into contact. The flood in the days of Noah was sent to cleanse the earth; this overflowing flood is being sent to cleanse My people, the Body of Christ. This is not the cleansing of salvation; this is the cleansing of consecration. Initially it will be given to and will flow through those members of the Body who diligently seek Me. From that remnant I will flow out to consecrate and to prepare all of the Body of Christ, to prepare the Bride for the Bridegroom. This overflow will also bring in those who are a part, a designated part of the Body, but who have not yet come in. Listener, I know that this is a much longer and stronger message than you were prepared to receive, but hear my words and write them. In Genesis 7:11 it is recorded that in Noah’s day the flood came when “the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened.” Like those fountains of the great deep, I will flow from deep in the hearts of the Believers whom I indwell. The windows of heaven will be opened as God’s Love and His blessings flood over you from above. Both manifestations will be made to My Body and through My Body in many ways and will finally be recognized as coming from ME. This realization will become overwhelming as the Rivers of Living Waters flood the earth. You will begin to see the evidence of this very soon…the evidence of the cleansing of the flowing waters and the manifestations of My Love.