Listener: Because I apparently slept through His call, Holy Spirit began our conversation this morning by saying, you missed the sunrise today. The view was beautiful. My response was “Lord, please forgive me. I have a faint memory of the beginning of a message. Please give it to me now.” And He did. Your body, My temple, is not functioning properly, neither individually (in your case today, physically) nor corporately (spiritually). Just as there are things that you must do to maintain the physical health of your body (proper food, sufficient rest and exercise), so there arel things that both the individual and corporate body must do to function well spiritually. For the individual this translates as hearing, trusting and obeying, seeking My Presence, praise and worship, resting in Me, and Love. For the corporate body there are only two primary requirements…Unity and Love. Love is paramount for both the individual and the corporate body. Neither you personally nor the body of Believers of which you are a part can serve Me well until you are spiritually healthy. But, remember that I am the Healer. Ask and you shall receive. You must eat fed by My Word. Exercise all of the spiritual gifts that I have given you, Be sure to get plenty of fresh air…breathe deeply in the restorative atmosphere of My Presence. Listen to the healing that My voice brings to your soul as I apply the Balm of Gilead to your heart, which is so troubled by earthly concerns. Rest in Me. Give those worries to Me, and I will heal your heart. Know that if the corporate body is to be sound spiritually, the individual members of that body must be healed spiritually. Remember that in the wilderness My people were always murmuring, complaining, and worrying. If the complaining gets out of hand, you may truly have reason to be concerned. The first aspect of the cleansing and consecration of the body, both the individual and corporate body, is to deal with murmuring and worrying. The answer is actually very simple…if you truly trust Me and lay all of your burdens on Me, you will be freed from the negative and addictive habits of complaining, criticizing, and worrying. The key is to never yield to the temptation to resume these destructive habits.