Listener: I lingered long on the Mountain this morning. When the Holy Spirit had finished His messages for the teaching, He said Now you need to feed “the five thousand” bread and fish. There are not yet five thousand who come for the Daily Bread that I give you, but five thousand will be coming soon, and many more. Today I will give you meat as well as bread. Remember that when Noah completed the ark, I brought all those who were to be saved, the animals and Noah’s family, to enter the ark. That first Ark is a foreshadowing of Jesus; all who are to be saved must enter into Him. Then I sealed the entry; (Ephesians 1:13 …having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise). When all who were to be saved had entered the ark, the floods began to cover the earth, floods of destruction and cleansing. You and others like you and those to whom you witness are to become the end times ark even as you are now My temple. When I first came to dwell among men I dwelt in the Ark of the Covenant which was in the Tabernacle and later in the temple built by man, Solomon’s Temple. At Pentecost I came to dwell in the temple built by God, the Body of Christ. In the end times I will flow in a flood tide from an ark made up of consecrated Believers who carry Living Water to the lost. In the natural, Noah’s ark was a refuge for those who were to be saved from the flood, but the Living Water flowing from the end times ark will be a FLOOD OF SALVATION to glean the last of the harvest of the lost.