THIS IS NOT A GAME! Listener: These words awakened me at 3:39 this morning. Holy Spirit usually awakens me much more gently to meet Him on the Mountain, but His call this morning was urgent. Hear what He said: This is a battle in which people live and die. Some have victory, those who call on Me and accept all that I have to offer. Some try to fight on their own and come to Me for help late or not fully. They are wounded but not defeated. Some do not accept any of My help and are defeated. And some die without ever realizing that there was a battle…a war. You are confronted by the forces of satan, who wield his weapons — lies, deception, temptation, doubt, fear and despair. He and those whom he leads are no match for the Host of Heaven but are more than a match for any of God’s people who try to fight in their own strength or refuse to recognize that there is a battle. The latter is one of satan’s most effective deceptions. Scripture tells you in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that he comes disguised as an angel of light. If you do not heed My warnings, the warnings of of the Holy Spirit who indwells you, you may be defeated without ever recognizing your enemy. Satan also comes against you with two allies, your flesh and the world. Satan dangles temptation before your flesh, and many times you are defeated without even giving battle. He also sees to it that you are exposed to the temptations and distractions of the world. You cannot wage a successful war against all the forces arrayed against you, but I CAN. You have been provided armor; wear it. Call on Me, and I will answer. If you see your brother struggling in battle, fight with him…pray for him in the Spirit with supplication and thanksgiving. I will supply all of your needs in the battle. But never forget that even though Jesus defeated him on the cross, satan still fights. He has no hope of ultimate victory, but he wins minor skirmishes when he defeats or wounds one of the members of the body of Christ. Expect his attacks to increase as you yield to Me more and more, to follow Me more closely as you begin to move in the Fullness of the Spirit. Because he knows that this Fullness will make you less susceptible to his attacks, he will attempt to convince you that it is not available to you in this life. He will tell you that the Fullness of the Spirit is not real. That is a half-truth, correct in that it is not the reality of this world. But in the spiritual realm, the only realm which actually matters, the Fullness is MORE REAL than any of the so-called reality of this world. Again I say, Follow Me. I will clear the way before you and give you hinds feet on high places (Psalm 18:33 KJV. In fact…read this entire Psalm). Hear My Voice. Ask Me to help you to find the quiet place, the quiet time for Me to give you a quiet heart so that you can hear Me.