Holy Spirit speaks: Listener, what is the most important thing in your life right now? The Listener responds, without hesitation: Hearing Your Voice and sharing Your words with others. Holy Spirit: Why is that the most important thing in your life now? Listener: Lord, You know that I must answer honestly. I would really like to be able to give you a deeply spiritual and less selfish answer, but…as You already know, I want to come into Your Presence and hear Your Voice because I love You as I have never been able to love anyone before. Hearing Your Voice touches me as nothing and nobody ever has. When I am not in your Presence, I yearn to be. You have shown me that Anna’s long years of service in the temple described in Luke 2:36-38 were not years of sacrifice but years of joy and fulfillment. Your giving me this intimacy; this time in Your Presence, allowing me to hear Your Voice, blessing me by using me to carry your words to others…this is truly the MORE that You spoke of in one of the first revelations that You gave me last January, the More that You said I had always desired. This is the culmination, the fulfillment of my walk as a Believer. That is a lengthy answer to your brief question, but it only begins to tell You why coming into your Presence, hearing Your Voice, and conveying your messages to others is so important to me. Then, after answering His question, I waited for a while before I asked, “Lord, is that all this morning?” He answered: I think that is enough. I Love you too.