Holy Spirit: If you truly desire to yield to Me but are having difficulty doing this, ask Me to help you. I will always be available to help you do anything that is God’s will, and you can be absolutely certain that it is His will for you to yield. It is also God’s will for you to hear. When you hear My Voice, know that the words you hear are His words for you. Remember that the three Persons of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE. We speak with one Voice. As for your hearing and yielding, when you trust and obey it will become easier for you to yield. and the more you yield, the more you will hear. Yielding is a continuing process. Your desiring to yield and asking for My help to do this is an important step. Asking me to accelerate the process of yielding, as some do, takes courage. I will take you to dazzling heights and to deep valleys. On the heights you will be enabled to draw near to Me as I show you a glorious view of what is to come and enable you to understand more fully what has already been. In the valleys you must always remember that I am there with You. A willing heart in the valley will find the rich soil of yielding and trust and obedience…soil watered by the tears of repentance which produce a bountiful harvest of My fruit, the fruit of the Spirit. When you yield to Me, I take you on a journey, Come…and I assure you that I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). I am about to take the Listener and all who will go with us to ascend a very high Mountain. This Daily Bread which you receive comes from the Mountain of Revelation. The mountain which we are about to begin to ascend is the Mountain of the Anointing of the Fullness of the Spirit. When we reach each plateau, as you rest in My peace, I will give you a fresh and greater anointing of consecration and immersion. Then, when you are rested and refreshed, we will resume our ascent. This is not an easy journey, but the view from the heights, the fruit in the valley and My Presence in both places make it the journey of a lifetime. A final note, one of the wonderful things about these spiritual Mountains is that when you reach a plateau of rest on one Mountain, We can move to another Mountain and begin to climb it. When the time is right, when the state of your yielding and your ability to receive is more developed, we will spend time climbing the Mountain of Revelation, the Mountain of Consecration and other wonderful spiritual Mountains. Trust Me to choose the mountains that you need to climb and the time when you are ready to climb each one. I am a dedicated and experienced Guide, and I cherish the opportunity to show My Love to everyone who climbs with Me, including those who take only day trips into the foothills.