Listener: At the end of today’s lengthy message from the Holy Spirit, I asked Him if I should give you the details of the very long time that I spent on the Mountain this morning. His answer was Yes, they need to see the path that We took through the forest to come to the clearing where I gave you the message. Remember, I am using you to teach them how to listen to My Voice. Listener: So, bear with Me and know that I am simply obeying Holy Spirit’s instructions. Also, know that what you will read today is only the first half of the message given during this extended time on the Mountain. I believe that the second half is to be posted tomorrow, but we will see how the Spirit leads. And now we begin. I was dreaming when the Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fourth Watch…a chaotic dream in which I had been captured by enemy forces. In the dream it was evident that I had information which would endanger others if I divulged it, so I was desperately seeking a way to escape or to kill myself before the drugs which the enemy had forced on me resulted in my revealing that information. I wanted to run but could not find my shoes. At this point in the dream I was awakened to come to the Mountain, and now I have been kneeling here for thirty minutes hearing only silence. I prayed, “Please , Lord…let me hear your voice.” Then I remembered that I had gone to sleep reading the Word, and my Bible had fallen to the floor when I got up to go to the Mountain. I reached for it, thinking that perhaps He wanted to speak to me through the Logos, and I finally heard His Voice asking What chapter were you reading? I answered , “Romans 12.” He asked, Are you truly willing to become a living sacrifice or are those just empty words that you have prayed for years? I answered, I am willing Lord, and if there is anything in me that refuses or hesitates, please show me. Then He brought to my mind the portion of the dream where I had been unable to find my shoes when I was trying to flee from the enemy, and He asked, Listener, what are those shoes? I knew what He meant. For years each morning I have prayed, putting on the armor described by Paul in Ephesians 6:13-18, so I answered. “The shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.” He continued to prompt me, asking, And what do they enable you to do? I answered as I had been taught “They enable me to stand before the Father, Father, strong in the knowledge that on the cross Jesus tore the veil and has enabled me to come before Him, knowing that He is my Father and standing firm in the peace, the rest provided by the Truth of the Gospel, the Good News that in Jesus my sins have been forgiven, and I have been reconciled with God, knowing that these shoes not only enable me to stand firm before Him but also to be ready to go wherever He sends me to take the Gospel of Peace to others. After I answered His question, I said,” Lord, I have always believed that there is a deeper truth to the shoes of the armor.” And He responded, Believers receive those shoes >at Salvation and wear them always…they are eternal. You stand on the Gospel of Peace…that is your standing before God. You also walk in the assurance of that standing. Finally, remember that these are the shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of Peace… that means that you have been prepared to take to others the Good News of the Salvation provided by Jesus Messiah and the assurance of that Salvation…that you and all those who accept by faith this Salvation by Grace will never again have to fear the consuming wrath of God but will live forever in peace, Peace with God and the Peace of God. Then He added… And about those shoes that you could not find in your dream….That is a certain indication that the dream was from Satan. He lied…..You can never lose these shoes!