Listener: This morning I was relieved to be awakened as usual by the Holy Spirit. The second half of yesterday’s lengthy message was extremely deep, and I had questioned whether He wanted me to use it today for Daily Bread. I assumed that if He did not take me to the Mountain this morning that would indicate that He had given today’s message yesterday. So, I thanked Him for waking me up, asked Him to make me a willing Tabula Rasa, began to explain that I was willing to post what He had given me yesterday but happy that He was apparently going to give me a new message today…..and when I paused to take a breath…He said, How do you expect to hear Me if you keep on talking. I do not wish to break in to interrupt you unless it is an emergency. When you are quiet, I will speak. Then I began to think…and He said, Your thinking also blocks My message. I communicate with you through your thoughts; when you initiate a thought it does not allow me to speak through your mind. Be quiet now and allow me to give you a meaningful message rather than reprimands. Do not be disheartened. I could have gotten your attention at any time , but I wanted to show those to whom you write some of the ways that they block out My Voice…that even your thoughts and prayers can be a deterrent to your hearing. And “Now for the rest of the story”… Notice that I used one of your favorite transitions Listener. I did that to bring a smile to your face. That smile introduces My message for today’s Daily Bread. I want to bring more than a smile of appreciation to those who seek My Presence. I strongly desire to bring My Joy...the Joy of the accompany the Peace that I wish to give you. This Joy is much more than happiness. Joy, especially when accompanied by My Peace, floods your soul with an indescribable spiritual experience far beyond pleasure or contentment or happiness. It brings a sense of being In ME and My Being In You that, as I mentioned one morning recently, gives you a foretaste of glory divine and a hunger for More. Joy and Peace are two of the attributes of My Presence. As your walk with Me goes ever deeper, you will experience these attributes of My Presence as well as others to which I will introduce you as we ascend ever higher on the mountain and ever deeper into the Heart of God. We talked about yielding a few days ago. The more you yield, the more you can hear and the deeper your spiritual walk will become. I have so much to tell you, to reveal to you; but you can go only so far hearing My Voice through others, even through the Listener, who faithfully records My words for you. When you come to Me to ask for and are prepared to receive the peace and the quiet heart that I will give you, then I will help you to hear…You will begin to hear My Voice. Rest on that Promise. Know that it is My desire to be able to guide and direct you to do what Jesus called you to do 2000 years ago…to feed His sheep. Some of you are called to feed His sheep the meat of the Logos, the meat of His deeper revelations through Scripture and direct revelation. Some are called to feed the Bread of Life, which nourishes the sheep and enables them to grow. Some are called to give the sheep dessert…the honey and the grapes of the Promised Land, and the Joy of the Lord. All of you are called to allow the Living Water of My Presence, My Love, to flow through you to satisfy the thirst of my sheep. And some of you, perhaps all of you, are called to go in search of my lost sheep…but that is a message for another day.