Holy Spirit speaks: You are fighting a battle with darkness in darkness. The only Light in this world is that which shines forth from Believers. When My children, even My mature sons, are wounded and grow weary in the battle, that Light seems to grow dim. But, know, never forget, the Light is there. This is why I came to indwell the Body of Christ. When you cannot see the Light, and you hear that other voice whispering defeat in your ear, you must allow Me to enable you to Shout VICTORY. You may not see a victory parade. You may think that you and those who fight with you are too badly wounded to use the mighty weapons which I have given to you. You may have breathed in the poisoned gas of darkness. But you must remember that you fight not by sight but by and in faith. When you see not victory but only the wounded around you; when you do not realize that the enemy’s whispers of defeat are lies…You Must Remember, you Must KNOW that your Victory is seated at the right hand of the Father. Included in the victory which He purchased with His Blood is the faith which enables you to fight on even when you are wounded. Even when the ultimate victory which you will celebrate with Him seems far distant, you must fight on in the strength that He gives you, the faith that He gives you. Know that a very important aspect of the victory given to each individual Believer and to each corporate remnant of My Body is that you do continue to fight. To bind up the wounds of your brother so that he may recover to continue the fight, to join with your brothers in the corporate Body so that the combined Light of My remnant will shine forth as a beacon to those who struggle and seem to be isolated and entrapped in this world..to let the Light of My Body give them hope. Protect those who fight with you and whose injuries are more incapacitating than yours, giving them hope with your prayers and love and encouragement. I could give you any number of verses of Scripture to encourage you, but I am going to give you the words spoken almost eighty years ago by a secular leader in a time of great crisis and darkness in the world. Allied forces had been defeated in Europe by Hitler’s armies and the remnant evacuated to England by the combined efforts of British civilian and naval vessels…the miracle of Dunkirk. As this rescue was being completed, Winston Churchill spoke to the people of England, who stood alone against the seemingly insurmountable power of Germany. His words are unforgettable: “We must never give in, never give in…never, never, never, never.” My word for you today, as you battle the ever encroaching darkness, is that the soldier on the battlefield cannot see the bigger picture. When all that you can see is Dunkirk, I see Normandy. Shalom.