Listener: When the Holy Spirit awakened me to go to the Mountain this morning, I was dreaming about something that He told me yesterday afternoon during a lengthy period of revelation. He spoke of many things that He had wanted to tell me over the years but could not because I would not hear…and I wept because I had missed so much. In my dream this morning Holy Spirit was telling me that if I was willing to receive it, He would open the window into heaven even more, to help to make up for what I had missed earlier in life. When I awakened… I can hardly bring myself to say this…I was considering whether I could bear to receive greater revelation…whether I should accept His offer. Even now, fully awake, I still hesitate to accept it. I am surely a weak vessel to hesitate to receive such a wonderful blessing…but with the blessing would come responsibility. It was the thought of that responsibility which made me shrink back. Then the words “shrink back” reminded me that weeks ago He had warned me and the Bible Study Class through me not to shrink back from doing God’s will once it was revealed to us. Yet, that is what I was doing now! So, taking a deep breath before diving into unknown waters, I accepted Holy Spirit’s offer, asking only that He help me to obey what I was to hear and to be shown. His answer was, I will walk with you every step of the way. Listener: That comforting and reassuring answer brought more tears. Then, thinking that this was definitely a personal message which was not to be shared, I asked, “Am I to reveal this to others? Holy Spirit’s answer shocked me. He said, Yes. You must become more fully a teaching example; share this on Daily Bread. Be aware that this is one thing that you must accept at the very beginning of your being allowed an enhanced view through the window…. whether or not you reveal what you see and hear will be determined by whether those to whom you write can receive and benefit from it. I will not only give you the revelations, I will also direct you as to how, when and to whom they are to be revealed. Does that change your decision to see more through the window? Listener: Praise the Lord, this time I did not hesitate to affirm my decision to receive all that He wanted to give me. Immediately He tested me, instructing me to tell you about His “dance” revelations, including the most recent one. About two years ago Holy Spirit first spoke to me in an intimate, familiar, conversational manner…very different from the more formal words of instruction , direction and comfort that I had received from Him for years. I was driving to a Thursday night service and praying that He would move in a mighty way at that service. His response was Would you shout? And, even though I had never shouted in church, I replied , with great enthusiasm,” Yes Lord, I will shout!” Then, very quietly He asked, Would you dance? My immediate answer, given without even thinking about the fact that I was speaking to the Holy Spirit, was “Oh Lord, be reasonable!” He did not respond to my answer, but when I realized what I had said, I was both dismayed and amused. Holy Spirit quietly responded to my “be reasonable” comment the next day when I was reading Romans 12 in my KJV Bible. I am very familiar with the first verse in this chapter; in fact, offering my body a living sacrifice is a part of my daily prayer. But, I had forgotten that the last words of this verse in the KJV and a few other translations is “which is your reasonable service.” Since then the Holy Spirit has used a reference to “dancing ” several times to make a spiritual point. His most recent reference was three days ago on the Mountain when He said, This is just for you Listener…Come and dance with Me, and all who see will say “What hath God wrought!” Numbers 23:23. An exclamation point is used in almost all translations.