Listener: My morning on the Mountain began when Holy Spirit awakened me in the middle of a dream about a group of Believers with hands raised in praise and worship. Then, (still in the dream) Someone came in to give out “assignments,” and the hands which had been lifted in praise remained up as everyone called out “pick me, pick me!” But when the “assignments” were described, the hands came down, and I heard comments ranging from “I’m just not prepared for that yet,” to “I’m not strong enough,” to “I could never do that!” After the dream ended, Holy Spirit began to speak. He told me, Yesterday I gave you a message to inspire you and those to whom you write, to tell you of the coming revival and harvest and ultimately the long awaited return of your Savior. One day He will come for all Believers, but today He stands before you with a list of “assignments,” the work to which He has called each one of you. When He issues this call, the Believer makes one of three choices: The first choice is to say “Where You lead me, I will follow,” and then to ask for the strength, guidance and provision to do what He asks you to do. . The second choice is not to refuse to answer His call, but to offer excuses as to why you cannot do what He asks right now, which is, in effect, a refusal. The third choice is to say, “Lord, I just cannot do that” or to question whether He is really calling you. For those who make the second or third choice, He confirms the call again and again, but if you continue to delay or refuse to answer, the time may come when He will no longer call. Actually, He is being very generous when He calls again and again. When Joshua gave his farewell address to the children of Israel, he said, “choose you this day whom you will serve,” requiring an immediate decision. As a Believer, you have already responded to My drawing; you have been saved by Grace; you are in Christ and He is in you. But, now He is calling you to serve Him. If you have not answered the call He has placed on your life, you stand in the valley of indecision. You may choose to live the remainder of your life on earth in that valley, or you may choose to begin to climb the Mountain with Me. The view from the Mountain is awesome, and you will share that view with Me. We will talk more about this tomorrow