Listener: This morning I awakened with a start to realize that the Holy Spirit was giving me today’s message,, words regarding those who have been temporarily blinded by the cares of this world to the vision which He desires to give them. If He gave a more detailed reason for this blindness, I missed it because I apparently slept through His call to wake up and go to the Mountain. Perhaps this is the message, that some of you are not alert to hear His “wake up” call and so miss what He desires to give you. Last night I was reading through my revelation notebook for July, before I began to come to the Mountain for messages for you. I was searching for a word that He had given to me for someone, a word which I had not yet been able to deliver. I wanted to be certain that I remembered His exact words. As I searched, I was struck by the depth of His revelations and the degree of interaction as I asked questions and He answered. For the past few weeks I have been focused on working to set up the Window website for you, and, although I have page after page of His instructions regarding the website, I have not had the time, or taken the time, to be quiet and seek His presence except when I am at the Mountain seeking messages for you. The messages that He gives me for you are not yet as deep and as rich as those for which my heart yearns. He just told me, Pray for these sheep, your brothers and sisters, that they may come to desire the deeper messages, the deeper revelations, and the glory of my revealed Presence. Until that time I will continue to give you the words that they can receive, and allow you to describe to them the greater riches available when they are ready to receive them, so that they may become aware of what I have for them when they seek Me with all their hearts.