Holy Spirit speaks:Do not be concerned about what others think of you but about what God knows about you. Remember Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). This is a chilling account of the judgment of God which came upon these two who were motivated by the desire to obtain the favor and approval of man rather than to serve God…to appear to be religious rather than to be righteous. Beware less in such hypocrisy you put your very life at risk. You may deceive man, but you cannot deceive God. Do not even attempt to lie to Him; the consequences are very serious. Speak the truth and the God who is Truth will reward you accordingly. The consequences suffered by Ananias and Sapphira serve as an example of the importance of presenting yourself to God and to the body of Christ as you are and not as you wish to seem to be. Speak from your heart.