Listener: Holy Spirit gave me today’s Daily Bread yesterday. I thought that the message was to instruct me and perhaps to be used in the Bible Study lesson, but now He has told me that it is also for you. As you remember, yesterday there was fog on the Mountain. After the Holy Spirit spoke and I wrote what He told me, I went back to sleep…but the fog continued in my mind, and I dreamed. I knew that the dream was not from the Holy Spirit, but later in the morning He told me that He had allowed the dream in order to teach me and to teach you. All that I remember from the dream is that there was utter chaos, and I felt lost in the chaos. Holy Spirit reminded me that this was what had happened when I was in the world without Him. He also warned that even now, if we focus on the world rather than on Him, that chaos can return to some degree. This was when He told me that He had allowed the dream and why. He said You must be transparent, open with those to whom you deliver My messages. If you do not reveal yourself as also a struggling Believer, they will read the messages that I give you, but they may not be able to receive them in their hearts as applying to them as they struggle to live their lives amid the chaos of this world. When you tell them that you also struggle, it will give them hope, more hope than words of instruction and encouragement can, because they have seen and are seeing the spiritual heights to which I a taking you. This will enable them to realize that they too can be taken to those heights even as they continue to struggle in the world. Also, I want you and those who read these words to know that you do not hear Me because you are a super holy saint. You hear because you yield yourself to Me, to be used by Me, and if I choose to use you in the weakness of your flesh, you are willing to accept it. Your feet are made of clay, but on those feet of clay you wear the shoes that I have provided as part of your armor… the preparation of the gospel of peace. Now, you have finally reached the top of the Mountain. I hope you realize that this is the message that I want you to deliver.