John 16:12-14 Holy Spirit speaks: Welcome to the fellowship of those who seek My Presence. I am a speaking Spirit. I speak to all Believers, but I speak in a still small voice and many do not have ears to hear. Those who do have the ears to hear rarely have or take the time to come into My Presence and listen. For those who read these words, I have made provision here for you to receive the words that I have for you. My desire is not only to give you glimpses of glory through the Window into Heaven, it is to open that window and shower upon you blessings beyond measure when you are truly ready to receive them. But first I must ask you if you are certain that you want every blessing that God has for you? Think about that before you answer, because with the blessings comes the responsibility to use those blessings for the glory of God, to seek His guidance and His instructions so that you may know how He wants you to walk in the blessings. The truly blessed life is a wonder and a joy, but it must be a life of seeking God’s face, hearing His voice, trusting and obeying Him. If you are not there yet, come with Me, and I will begin to take you there. As you grow and mature, we will go deeper and deeper. The depths of God’s Truth are glorious.