Listener: I was dreaming when Holy Spirit awakened me this morning, a dream which was not from Him. I thought that I was at peace when I knelt to receive His words, but some of the dream seemed to linger in my mind. Holy Spirit immediately told me Do not worry. I have provided for the protection of my messages for you and the ones for whom you write. After I recorded these words in my notebook, He corrected me: No, it is more than what you just wrote. I will send angels to prevent the enemy from interfering with your reception of the message and to keep the enemy from inserting changes which would alter my message to you in any way. These words are important, and I will provide whatever protection is necessary. I want all of those who read this to ask for continued protection for you both on the Mountain and when the message is recorded in Daily Bread. Listener: At this point I thought that the message the Holy Spirit was about to deliver must really be a “humdinger,” which is a word which I have rarely, if ever used. But, of course He knows what I think, so He answered, calling me by name, which always touches my heart, but reminding me that I must maintain the anonymity which He has imposed. His answer to my unspoken comment was Yes, My message is indeed a humdinger, but it is not today’s message. I was making preparations for a message which is to come. Listener: Again I did not ask, but wondered when that message would come, and He said I will give it to you when the time comes, but today is not the day. Go back to bed. Listener: Then, before I could even finish the thought, He said Yes, this is truly all of today’s message. No need to tarry longer. Listener: But I did tarry, and He gave me a vision which provided personal guidance regarding a decision about which I had prayed yesterday. Then He spoke again: In the future remember what I told you about casting all of your cares and concerns on Me in order to become quiet before Me. And yes, you should include this final interaction in the message, but not the details, just say personal guidance. Now, Go To Bed.