Listener: The words of a song were running through my mind as I knelt to pray this morning — “Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere.” And Holy Spirit said: So tell them, in the words that I gave you for the class last Sunday. Listener: These are the words from the Bible Study lesson that He wants you to hear: “Now that the Holy Spirit has begun to move so strongly within me, the Word of God and the Voice of the Holy Spirit have become more than knowledge, and truth, and instruction, and promise, and comfort, and joy. They have become the awed awareness of a Majestically Infinite God Whose magnitude we cannot begin to express with our limited vocabulary nor to understand with our finite human minds. This is the God Who speaks to us and waits for us to listen to Him. Who calls us and waits for us to answer His call. Who makes promises to us, and keeps those promises, and waits for us to realize what He has done for us. Who blesses us and waits for us to express our gratitude to Him. Who desires to manifest His GLORY to us, and waits for us to be ready to receive that manifestation! Who desires for us to experience in our hearts the passion of His Love for us and to be overwhelmed by the fact that He loves us with a Love that we cannot even begin to understand.” Then Holy Spirit continued His message begun on the mountain this morning. Now, tell them that if they will listen, they will hunger for more. I will make Rivers of Living Water flow out of all of you, the River of Love and Joy and Peace and Hope. You will have an evangelistic fervor in your hearts which cannot be quenched. You will seek Me diligently in My Word, in prayer, in meditation, and by listening to My Voice. One of the motivating factors of this seeking will be your burning desire to know Me more and more so that you can bring to Me those who do not know Me and lead those who only know Me as their Savior to know Me as their Lord, as their everything…to truly experience Acts 17:28…that in Me they will live and move and have their being. To have the Light of My Presence shine so brightly in their lives that I will become the focal point of their existence, and the desire of their hearts will be to help others to experience this blessing. So when you begin to come into My presence and hear Me calling you, don’t just walk, run to answer My call and to share My Love. Listener: At this point the Holy Spirit paused for a few moments, and as I began to wonder if He had more to tell us, He said, I believe that should be enough to make your cup overflow...or, in the language of your beloved KJV, to runneth over.