Holy Spirit: Tell My children to read My Word, My Logos, the written Word…and to heed what they find there. This may sound like a very obvious message from Me, but it is not. You would be amazed by the number of Believers who never open their Bibles except when they are in church. I want My children to feed upon My Word. There is much that you cannot know yet, but I will tell you what you need to know, by direct revelation when you hear My voice or through helping you to understand Scripture, or both. My spoken words will always agree with Scripture. If the words do not agree, they are not from Me. You must know My written Word to be able to discern whether the spoken words are from Me or from the enemy. I will show you any contradictions; I will lead you to the confirming Scripture. I have given you My word for this morning; seek it in the written Word. For the Listener, spend great time in My Word. For those who do not have ears to hear, I will clarify the written Word through your eyes and minds. For those who have the ears to hear, I will enhance what you hear and your understanding of the Logos. And then He gave me a personal word: I will give you My word for Michael through the Logos. When I asked if I was to include this personal word in Daily Bread, He replied, I gave it on the Mountain, so yes. It will help those who are seeking to lead loved ones to Jesus. And then He gave me a closing message which does not seem to be related to what came before, but which I believe must be intended to comfort someone who will read this. I can even speak to the mentally challenged, if not to their minds, to their hearts.