Holy Spirit: With My hand I will lead you. For the unsaved I must give signs and wonders, but for those of you who are Believers, I can use small acts of provision to lead you; to open your eyes to see where I would have you to go and what I would have you to do. To open your eyes and to help you to know My will. I open and close doors to guide you. I will give you “ears to hear” when you truly desire to hear My voice; when I can see that your desire has become strong enough for you to wait quietly to hear. But, as with any gift, if it is not used, it will be lost. I desire to lead you, so if you recognize my working in small things, you will be able to walk in the direction I am pointing you toward. Too many, even Believers, must see to believe that I can and will do what I have said that I will do. And where have I made so many promises? All of you, including those of you who do hear, must go to the Logos and review my promises. I am eager to fulfill those promises to those who claim them. I will move from answered promise to answered promise when I see that those answers are bringing you closer and closer to Me, not simply closer and closer to my blessings. Sometimes faith comes gently and just grows and grows as you follow Me. Be alert. I not only provide the “signs” of signs and wonders, I also give you signs of the times. See these signs and go to the Logos to find out what they mean. The harder it is for you to hear, the more difficult it is for you to see, and the stronger I must move to enable you to become aware of My warnings. No matter how distracted you are by the world, you must remember that you need Me.