Holy Spirit: I know at the very moment when one of you makes the decision to yield to Me completely. You may waver in the implementation of that decision, but it has been made, and I honor it and will help you to carry it out. Sometimes, when I allow you to go through trials, My purpose is to remind you of your decision to yield to Me, and to lead you back into the shelter of that position. Remember, I know you better than you know yourself, not just your deeds but also your thoughts, emotions, motives… All, the good and the bad. I always love you … I love you when I am pleased with what you do, think and feel, and I love you when I am not pleased. My response may not be the same at both times, but My love always endures, regardless of your state. I always give you what you need, not what you want. You must be grateful for that, because much of the time what you want would not be good for you. Please remember that Love is central to our relationship and that My ultimate goal for you is good, even though the route to that goal may be difficult and even painful. Keep these words ever in mind: TRUST AND OBEY. And always do your homework.