1 Thessalonians 5:6 (NKJV) Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
On December 10, 2019 the following revelation was posted in windowintoheaven as part of Daily Bread, messages from the Holy Spirit intended to inspire, teach, call and sometimes to warn a relatively small group of Believers. The post: This is My warning that this country and the entire western world is under a satanic threat greater than that posed by Hitler in 1941. This is the reason why I have given you so many messages on spiritual warfare. I have told you more than once that I am recruiting an army to battle in the spiritual realm. This post ended with these words: God is issuing a “wake-up call” to this country. In His mercy He is attempting to spare you the loss and the horror of a spiritual Pearl Harbor. He is giving you advance warning and watchmen on the wall. PRAY.
The response of those few who read the warning in 2019 was similar to that of the people of the United States eighty years earlier. In 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, it was inconceivable that this was to be the beginning of a series of victories which less than a year later resulted in the defeat of the Allied armies of England, France and Belgium and gave the German Army control of the Continent. The remnant of the Allied forces, surrounded near the French port of Dunkirk, escaped capture or death only because an armada of military and civilian vessels managed to evacuate them. After Dunkirk, Germany intensified the aerial attack on England, utilizing bombers and V2 rockets. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill proclaimed “We will never give up,” and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt was able to facilitate aid to Great Britain through Lend-Lease. Several hundred American pilots violated the U.S. Neutrality Act to join the RAF, risking heavy fines, prison and loss of U.S. citizenship. But there was still no heart and little support in this country for entry into the war on the other side of the Atlantic. The majority opinion in the United States was still ‘This is not our war” until December 7, 1941, when Japanese planes made a devastating surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, sinking a significant portion of the U.S Pacific fleet, destroying hundreds of airplanes and killing 2403 persons. Congress declared war on Japan the next day.

The attack on Pearl Harbor transformed America. A statement erroneously attributed to Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, who planned and led the attack on Pearl Harbor, very accurately describes what happened as the result of this attack; A sleeping giant was awakened. Pearl Harbor shocked and awakened this nation, which immediately began to muster and train an army and to produce the weapons needed by that army to storm the beaches of Normandy and lead the Allies in the defeat of Nazi Germany.
Today our country is again under attack, a satanic attack which threatens to destroy the United States. The initial goal is to remove God from every aspect of life in this country; the ultimate goal is to destroy this nation. Eighty years ago the sleeping giant was the people of the United States, who were awakened and inspired to go to war by the attack on Pearl Harbor and by photographs like that of the battleship USS Arizona burning and sinking with more than one thousand members of the crew trapped inside. Today the sleeping giant is the Body of Christ, but there are no bombs falling, no ships sinking, and no photographs to awaken the Church. However, there are casualties, more than sixty million unborn babies who have died in government supported abortion clinics.
God is issuing a call to you, a call to WAR, which signifies that We Are Ready to fight and to defeat this enemy. The weapon is prayer, focused, travailing prayers by an army of prayer warriors led by the Holy Spirit. Remember, there was a call to battle in this country more than two and a half centuries ago…a call answered by those who fought for freedom against what seemed to be insurmountable odds. THEY WON THAT WAR, and thirteen colonies became one nation under God. Today the battle for the survival of that nation is in the spirit realm against an unseen enemy, the most formidable enemy our country has ever faced. As we pray for our nation, let us also pray for other prayer warriors to join the ranks of this committed army of intercessors.