The Holy Spirit Speaks: I wanted to give you this message today, on the first day of the New Year; however, the 2019 retrospective was so long that it was necessary to continue the second part as today’s post. So consider this special post a gift for the New Year… an important gift which will change your life if you accept it. I have given the Listener a new anointing. When I offered this, the Listener, although surprised and overwhelmed, received it and made the commitment to walk in it. I also have a new anointing for each of you. Your anointing will enable you to fulfill your call, your destiny, but the ultimate purpose is to Glorify God. I am speaking this offer to you now, through the Listener. You must come to me individually and ask me to reveal the special anointing which has been prepared for you, which I wish to give to you. You then have the option to receive or to refuse My offer. If you do not come to Me and ask Me to reveal the anointing, I will consider that as a silent rejection of My offer. If you refuse the anointing in either of these ways, I will ask the Listener to pray for you; if you accept the anointing, I will also ask the Listener to pray for you because a vital part of your acceptance is your commitment to walk in the anointing. Do not be confused, this is NOT a New Year’s resolution; this is a New Year’s Revelation given on this first day of the year 2020 to those whom I have prepared for many months. I await your requests for the revelation. There is no line, no waiting list; I am waiting to hear your requests to learn the nature of My offer. Hearing aids will be provided for those who have difficulty hearing My Voice.