Tabula Rasa

Isaiah 6:8 (NKJV) Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”



 For years  prayers for the  fire of revival have been lifted by those few who have heard My call. These prayers have prevented the fire from being extinguished, and now, very soon, in response to the travailing prayers of a faithful army of intercessors, this nation and ultimately the world will be set  ablaze with the fire of revival.  

Listener: After those inspiring words from the Holy Spirit, I heard these ominous words: Your country is going to hell in a handbasket. I am calling for intercessors and prayer warriors to battle the demonic forces wreaking havoc in this nation. The Holy Spirit used the term “hell in a handbasket,” (which was later confirmed by another prophet) to issue an extremely strong warning. God is calling intercessors to battle for the sleeping Church and this nation as the forces of darkness move ever more strongly to attempt to weaken the former and to destroy the latter! He is calling for intercessors who will come into His Presence, hear His Voice, serve as watchmen on the wall, pray as He directs, follow wherever He leads…Travail in Prayer and Prevail!

 HEAR HIS CALL: Where are the sons of God, the mature sons of Romans 8:14 who are led by the Spirit of God? I call these Spirit-led sons and those who desire to become Spirit-led sons to intercede for this country NOW! I have told you that you have not because you ask not…It is time for you to ASK Me to heal your land.  I AM READY TO MOVE.