Holy Spirit: Listener, your physical strength wanes, but remember, “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles…” This applies in the natural as well as in the spiritual. Walk in this promise and tell those to whom you write to walk in it. Walk also in the Light which I turned on for you when I led you to Ephesians 3:9 one day and the next day enabled you to hear for the second time a teaching on the “fellowship of the mystery,” the sacred secret which I gave to Paul regarding the salvation of the Gentiles and the formation of the Body of Christ. Are you not overwhelmed by the sure and certain knowledge that God the Father sent Me, He sent His Holy Spirit to indwell the members of that Body? That the Divine Spirit of Almighty God lives within you…which makes you a new creation. These are familiar concepts for Believers, but let not the fact that you have heard this many times make it less awesomely wonderful to you. I did not indwell any of the men in the Old Testament…not Adam, not Noah, not Abraham, not Joseph, not Moses, not Joshua, not Samuel, not David. I spoke to and with them; I came upon them and empowered them to do mighty things; I gave them wisdom; they experienced My Presence, I blessed them and provided for them. But I did not indwell them. This is a part of the mystery, of the sacred secret; My indwelling was reserved for the Church…to enable her to function as the Body of Christ and to prepare her to function as the Bride of the Son. For much of the time during the almost two thousand years since I came to indwell those in the Upper Room at Pentecost, I have been quenched and grieved by the majority of those whom I indwell. Now it is time… it is time for you, for all of you who are called by the Name of your Savior, to turn Me loose! To allow Me to enable you to reap the harvest according to the pattern that Jesus demonstrated when He was on the earth. By walking, talking, teaching, preaching, healing…in Power and in Love. He walked the earth as the Son of Man, as the sinless Son of Man, which was necessary if He was to come to the Cross as the spotless Lamb Of God to be sacrificed for the sins of man. He did no miracles until the Holy Spirit came upon Him after John baptized Him in the Jordan River, and when He began to do miracles, He acted as the Son of Man in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit upon him. In recognition of your weakness in the flesh, God the Father in His wisdom, sent Me to indwell you. From the vantage point of My position within you, if you can ever begin to truly yield to Me, to enable me to work through you, what you will see Me do will take your breath away…I will have to remind you to breathe! Let’s go for that!