Listener: I am confused this morning. I woke up in the middle of the Fourth Watch but had no sense of having been called by the Holy Spirit, so I decided to go back to sleep and await His call in the Fifth Watch. However, my alarm clock was the next thing that I heard. Buddy is awake now, and I am uncertain about what I should do next…and somewhat dismayed that I did not hear the call of the Holy Spirit. But then He spoke, telling me not to fret, to walk and feed the dog , to have communion, then to come in prayer and He would speak. After I did all these things and began to pray, I heard His Wonderful, Beautiful Voice saying Listener, are you going to dance with Me or not? And, Praise the Lord, I was at long last able to answer “I will dance with You, to whatever music You desire and whenever You desire.” At that point He began this message. Holy Spirit : Cut the rope which tethers you to the natural, and We will begin to ascend, not the Mountain this morning, let your mind receive this as Our being in a hot-air balloon. Knowing you as I know you, you would be terrified to do this in the natural, but I Am with you. Remember that I know your thoughts, so to answer the question which you just asked in your mind…No, we are not going to heaven: I simply want to give you a different perspective on the things of the world which so fill the minds of the inhabitants of the earth. And if you think those things look small from here, think how small they must be in the eyes of God. Now, I said the things of the earth; this does not include the people, not mankind. Remember that in Creation God spoke everything into existence…except man. It is incredible that man. whom God created from the dust of the earth in His Own Image; it is incredible that man, a being so blessed by God in creation and then with God’s companionship and His provision in the Garden…it is incredible that a being so blessed by God’s watchcare and Love over the centuries; it is incredible that man for whose salvation God sent His only begotten Son to die, it is incredible that man still cannot or will not believe that not only mankind but also every individual is still so very important to God today. He never changes, so you and every one of your fellow human beings are as important to God the Father today as you were the day that He had to turn His back on His Son when He bore the sins of all mankind in His body on the Cross; as important to God the Son as you were the day that He died to redeem you from the death penalty of those sins; so important that Jesus asked and the Father sent Me, His Holy Spirit, to indwell all those who Believe. But the things of the earth are small in God’s eyes, Most of the inhabitants of the earth will never realize this; they will always be preoccupied with the natural… but when God’s people…when Believers yield to My sanctification of their minds, their wills and their emotions…they will begin to view the things of the earth from God’s perspective and to seek to become more and more aware of His spiritual perspective rather than the natural perspective…to love their fellow fallible human beings rather than the things of the earth and to love their God above all, to love and to obey the God who created them and will Love them forever.. As for you, Listener, this is why We did not go to the Mountain today…I wanted to take you higher than that Mountain top. Listener: I can hardly breathe or speak now after receiving those words and recording them. When the Holy Spirit stopped speaking, I began to pray, and I found myself praying these words: What I have experienced this morning is what has enabled martyrs to die for Christ for centuries… Today He does not call us to die the death of those Believers who were burned at the stake, killed by lions in the Roman Colosseum, stoned to death, crucified…. But He still calls us to die for Him, to die to self, to the flesh…And He also calls us to live for Him…as a living sacrifice. (Galatians 2:20, 5:24; Romans 12:1). He will give us His strength to do this, if we ask Him.